bincountable type is a one-dimentional slice with unsigned elements
Count number of occurrences of each value in slice of non-negative ints.
Count weighted number of occurrences of each value in slice of non-negative ints. Note that empty weight causes compiler error.
Computes the geometric mean of a slice. The product in gmean is computed in logarithms to avoid FP overflows.
Computes the geometric mean of a slice.
Lazily centers a slice.
Computes the harmonic mean of a slice.
Computes the log of the sum of exponentials of input elements.
Computes the n-th central moment of a slice.
Computes the standard deviation of a slice.
Computes the variance of a slice.
Computes the zscore of a slice.
Various statistics functions on ndslice. (e.g., bincount, var, logsumexp)