- blackman
auto blackman(size_t n, double a0, double a1, double a2)
Classic Blackman window slice generator
- hann
auto hann(size_t n, double a, double b)
Hann window slice generator
- istft
auto istft(Xs xs)
Computes the inverse short time Fourier transform
- istft
auto istft(Xs xs, size_t noverlap)
Computes the inverse short time Fourier transform
- splitFrames
auto splitFrames(Xs xs, size_t width, size_t stride)
Split (window and stride) time frames for FFT or convolutions
- stft
auto stft(Xs xs, size_t nperseg, size_t noverlap)
auto stft(Xs xs, size_t nperseg)
Computes the short time Fourier transform
Signal processing package